Thursday, February 6, 2014

The nobodies

Fashion brand community - poupeegirl

"We're the nobodies
We want to be somebodies
When we're dead
You'll know just who we are" 
    The Nobodies -Marilyn Manson

When I did I posted such a cutie snapshot of my pupe and then quoted Marilyn Manson?
I think this song summons the feelings of most people I know and even myself. We're alone, we're forgotten, we're nobody until we die in a very sad and tragic manner, then we will be known and praised.
And the pupe shows it. A website in which the intention is all attention by the amount of material and aesthetic expensive things you have. Isn't it sad? We look for attention, we search for something that makes us into "somebody" because we want to be "somebody", but we're not until you die... maybe on your birthday or during Christmas people remember you're "somebody". But while you're sad and alone, you're just a nobody.
 Eww I feel sad now, I'm sorry.

Sugary Kissses

Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Pupe

I have a pupe for already for years. I surprised myself when Ii saw it, so much time passed and my style changed so much.
Some months ago I decided to get back to posting my clothing and making reviews about it.It's depressing to think how much I changed in these last 4 years and my pupe didn't. But I'm also glad I did change.
Because Change is good isn't it?
Picture from last year

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Kami!

Some of you might know that I'm a Malice Mizer fan, and yeah today is Kami's birthday. Considered the Eternal Blood Relative, I think his death was one of the main reasons for why Malice Mizer disbanded. I was nearly a kid when e died, but I noticed how the band missed his drummer. And I really Don't wanna write a sad history about how the acknowledge of his dead made me question Mana's mental and physical health and how it made me depressed to know that his dead made everyone depressed too. And how it changed and blah blah blah I'm already writing a sad post ain't I?