Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rainy Sunday

Today is rainy... is been raining since 2:00 am. The sky is gray outside it looks kinda gloomy. I love it!

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Today has been so productive!! Though I'm somehow distressed by some happenings of today.I started a detox diet last week, with the objective of cleansing my sin and getting rid of the nasty acne!But then I had a fight with my mom and I ate brownies because I was angry... She doesn't understand my illness and judge me for it. Like if my illness was a choice, it upsets me.
But ignoring this bad happening I did lot of nice things!! I fixed my lolita skirt that was big on me because it wasn't mine and it didn't fit properly, so I put some elastic on it. I also sew a hoodie for my brother. And I waxed my legs!!
I love rainy days, I love how it isn't exactly cold, but is not the usual burning hot of Brazil ins it's tropical summer. Is calming and so pleasing...
It makes me happy even with all the bullshit I'm dealing right now. It is a great feeling! Ii'm listening to a lot of Marina and the Diamonds these past few days. My favorite song until now is:

That's kinda weird because I had never a bad broken heart experience, and never felt bad by breakin up with anyone. hahaha  Maybe that song fits me I don't know, but I never hurt my heart or anything like that so I don't know why I'm so much into Marina songs... I think maybe I'm the real "Electra Heart":

Maybe I could start a series and post about a song or music artist weekly. That way I will always write something here. What do you guys think?

I've been up to some many awesome things this week too:
Two days ago I changed my morning yoga routine and the results are great! Body is relaxed, and my legs doesn't hurt as much. My chives are growing and I can already cut them to put them on a salad or maybe a soup!
I decided on doing this art challenge for December; I'll be posting the art on my Tumblr,DeviantArt and maybe Twitter... So follow me there if you guys want to see my sketches and drawings. Even if you're not interested in my art... I post daily on tumblr and I'm always twitting to pass the time.
If it happens for you to follow me in one of hese because of my blog, please pm me so I can follow you back!!
We can become friends and share each other's arts and pretty things.


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